Monday, December 21, 2009

'Tis the season

I think every non cheapskate company on the planet had their holiday party this past Friday. Here we had a luncheon, so perhaps some of the cheapskate companies had parties that day too. As has been the trend, T's company didn't have a real party either this year, but Jake's did, and I got to go. It was even more fun this year than it was last year. I finally got to wear the dress that I picked up last year, and it was universally approved of. It fit me a little more comfortably than I would have liked. I'm getting downright large, if only by my own standards. Extreme measure are in the process of being taken. But yeah, I had a great time. I just hate leaving at the end of the night.
It's funny feeling responsible for Jake's situation. I cast myself in the role of enabler sometimes and I'm not sure how justified that is. I'm not going to do anything about it for right now so I might just as well stop being preoccupied with it.
Jake is off work all week this week so I'm hoping to spend some afternoon's with him watching The Mentalist and going jogging. I also want to go see Avatar, I think in 3D. The glasses are appallingly uncomfortable but the movie looks fantastic. I suggested sneaking booze into the theater with us as it's a very very long movie and it might help me cope with the numb buttocks I know I'm going to wind up with.
I'm surprised I didn't manage to go see it over the weekend. I was a little disorganized. I generated enough enthusiasm though to persuade Jake to go get the Christmas tree he wanted, and I got to decorate it. It turned out beautifully and I have some nice stab wounds to commemorate the occasion. Spruce trees are notoriously unforgiving.
I have had fun with this season honestly. There hasn't been a lot of pressure and knowing most of the immediate family is going to be out of town has been liberating. I do need to brace myself for the possibility of things getting foisted on me last minute because T will feel obliged to perform functions he refused to prepare for. I will hope for the best and brace for the typical. I don't need to get unduly irked by petty inconvenience. Dammit, I will have fun. And on to the new year, which increasingly I suspect will be much like the old.

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