Monday, July 6, 2009

I don't like this

I know that I don't see myself very clearly. I know I can be a bit wrapped up in myself and I know I'm inclined to think my opinions are more valid than the opinions of others. I try to not be too attached to the things I believe because abstractly I do understand that reality is perception and anchoring opinions in some kind of fictional bedrock is foolhardy. That being said, I have trouble contending with people who I perceive as irrationally oversensitive. It is as though they attach their identity to their conceptions and if they perceive a slight to one, they take it personally. Arguing with someone else's emotional response is a waste of time. All you can really do is try to construct a sincere and non partisan apology and hope the relationship is important enough to salvage. Jake objects to me remarking on the relatively low alcohol content of Guinness. Low alcohol content is disparaging, ok, I will stop mentioning it. I did not look at it that way but I understand this is a small issue in the grand scheme and your feelings are more important than my opinions. But yeah, I kinda judge you for the way you took it. I think you're beeing illogical and needlessly oversensitive. It bothers me. I don't like to feel like I have to walk on eggshells because your feelings are important to me and I hate feeling like I'm constantly running the risk of losing you over something that seems absurd in retrospect. On the flip side, I'm not noted for my sensitivity and I could stand to be more considerate of others. You are worth it to me and so if nothing else, this is good practice.
I had a nice 4th of July weekend. I spent almost all day Friday with Jake, and a good portion of the afternoon on Saturday. I've started reading Invincible, which he has on his laptop. It's a very good little graphic novel and I'm enjoying it. Such a fun genre. When we were at Border's on Friday I read Joss Whedon's "Fray" and that was also thoroughly enjoyable. I still love hanging out with that man. I like the conversation and the usual choices of activities. T is great for stability, discussions about work and world politics, but Jake feeds my imagination and I more closely identify with his philosophy than I do with T's. Still, T's optimism is a leavening influence and I suspect that life with Jake could be a roller coaster.
I would like to get more organized this week. I believe I shall print out some resumes and arrange to drop them with some staffing agencies after inquiring about hiring policies. I was lamenting my lack of self determination to T the other day. I think with practice I could make at least a marginally livable income by writing and the thing that most stands in my way is my lack of discipline. I'd like to come up with a story concept and see if I can follow it through.

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